47 Posts
During 2020 I sent weekly emails sharing interesting articles, useful research, & thoughts on aspects of leadership & coaching. I managed to send 47 posts.
What Can We Learn From The Best Performing CEOs in the World?
The best performing CEOs in the world achieved that position through the sustained application of a few simple strategies. What can you learn from them?
What Rules Are You Using?
What rules are you following? Are they valid? How do you know if they are the right rules? What questions do you need to ask to find out
I mowed the lawn today.
There will always be onerous tasks to complete, like mowing the lawn. Taking pride in the result will help motivate you to do it again.
My Podcast List
There are many podcasts out there for your entertainment and education. Here is a list of my top five.
What does ownership mean to you? How are you taking ownership? How are you encouraging your team to take ownership?
There Is No Cat
Fight or flight is a normal human response to life threatening situations. Many of todays ‘threats’, however, are not life or death situations.
What is your personal planning process?
Even a basic planning process is better than no process at all.
The Creative Cocoon
Distraction is the enemy of creativity. There are always things to do. If allowed autonomy over how we spend our time we can create space for innovation.