47 Posts
During 2020 I sent weekly emails sharing interesting articles, useful research, & thoughts on aspects of leadership & coaching. I managed to send 47 posts.
During 2020 I sent weekly emails sharing interesting articles, useful research, & thoughts on aspects of leadership & coaching. I managed to send 47 posts.
The best performing CEOs in the world achieved that position through the sustained application of a few simple strategies. What can you learn from them?
What rules are you following? Are they valid? How do you know if they are the right rules? What questions do you need to ask to find out
Distraction is the enemy of creativity. There are always things to do. If allowed autonomy over how we spend our time we can create space for innovation.
The world is a complex, messy and crazy place. What are the skills you need to navigate that world?
What if there was a way, albeit with difficulty, to create a way for people to say “I don’t know and I need help” and then encouraging others to assist?
What is the crucial issue that your use of humour is distracting you from confronting?
Confront your reality and build your strategy from a place of truth and accuracy.
A good reading list is good to have.