Campbell Ramble # 1 – Celebrate what you can do
I am excited about this series of blog posts called Campbell Rambles. Someone close to me has commented about how she likes the way I ramble on when I am trying to get my thoughts straight around an idea. I’m sure many of you have done the same. Well, I thought it...
What I want you to do is … Surf the Complexity
Do you feel like you are drowning in information? Are you struggling to see what the second and third order effects of your decision making might be? Are you baffled by the reasons behind why people make certain decisions? Chances are you’re suffering from...
Interlude: 2016 Leadership Blog Review
As we begin the new working year I thought we’d kick it off with a brief summary of the leadership thoughts published by Campbell Leadership Solutions in 2016. If you continue on with these behaviours and tips that you started with last year, you’ll be sure to make an...
Interlude: Why I do what I do.
"...change occurs when one becomes what he is, not when he tries to become what he is not. Change does not take place through a coercive attempt by the individual or by another person to change him, but it does take place if one takes the time and effort to be what he...
What I want you to do is …. Take a different perspective.
"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Dr Wayne Dyer In 2002 I was one of the warfare officers in HMAS Newcastle, a ship I was privileged enough to go on to command eight years later. The warfare officer’s role is to ‘fight the...
What I want you to do is …. Ask yourself, “What is in my control?”
“Basing our happiness on our ability to control everything is futile” - Stephen R. Covey I use the train system to get to work. Why? I see driving as a waste of time. On the train I can sleep, I can read, I can meditate. I have attempted all three while driving with...
What I want you to do is …. Live your Values
How many times have you heard people talk about values? Often, I bet. Companies talk about organisational or company values. Leaders, coaches and mentors talk about personal values. You may even have done some personal development workshops that have helped you define...
What I want you to do is …. Get curious and deal with workplace conflict
One of the most common goals I get asked to assist clients with is dealing with workplace conflict. "I don't deal well with conflict." "When people get aggressive I shut down." "I prefer to avoid conflict if I can." Oh, and by the way, before we continue, not liking...
What I want you to do is …. Lead Up
One of the fundamental truths of our work lives is that senior managers will sometimes make dumb decisions and junior staff will always complain about it. Can you identify with that? Take a moment to reflect on the latest "good idea" that your senior leaders had.......