I am an executive coach. My role is to sit with leaders and ask questions, listen to their answers, challenge their thinking, hold them accountable for their actions and do so in a confidential and safe environment.

I have a coach. His name is Graham. His role is to sit with me and ask questions, listen to my answers, challenge my thinking, hold me accountable for my actions, and do so in a confidential and safe environment.

Graham has a coach. Let’s call him Morgan. Morgan’s role is to sit with Graham and ask him questions, listen to his answers, challenge his thinking, hold him accountable for his actions and do so in a confidential and safe environment.

Morgan has a coach. I know this because Graham told me. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect Morgan’s coach is responsible for sitting with Morgan and asking him questions, listening to his answers, challenging his thinking, holding him accountable for his actions, and doing so in a confidential and safe environment.

Do you have a coach? Do you have someone who sits with you, asks you questions, listens to your answers, challenges your thinking, holds you accountable for your actions, and does so in a confidential and safe environment?

Who is your coach?